hak minoriti bahasa Inggris
- hak: incumbency; right; right for; rights; due;
- parti tindakan hak minoriti: minority rights action party
- kelompok minoriti: minorities; minority group
- pemerintahan minoriti: minority government; minority governments
- suku bangsa minoriti: minority nationality
- hak: incumbency; right; right for; rights; due; entitlement; liberties; position; heel; claim; role; authorization; title; sole; possession; ownership; sanction; authorisation; right claim title privileg
- aktivis hak-hak sipil: civil rights activists
- deklarasi hak-hak: united states bill of rights
- deklarasi hak-hak anak: declaration of the rights of the child
- deklarasi hak-hak virginia: virginia declaration of rights
- gerakan hak-hak sipil: movements for civil rights
- hak-hak buruh: labor rights
- hak-hak peribadi: individual and group rights
- hak-hak reproduktif: reproductive rights
- hak-hak untuk: right to; rights to